LIGNA Raised Floor

Raised Floor for More Economics Efficiency



high-density chipboard panel, classified in formaldehyde class E1, coated with steel sheet or humidity protection at bottom side, surrounding edge trim protection against damage and humidity

Panel thickness

28.5 – 38.5 mm

Dimensional deviation according to EN 12825

class 1

System weight

25 – 33 kg/m²

Standard pedestal heights

25 – 2,000 mm

Pedestal Grid

600 x 600 mm

Resistance to earth

≥ 1 x 106 Ω


Normalised flanking level difference Dn,f,w

  • 45 – 59 dB*

Rated sound reduction index Rw

  • 62 dB

Reduction of impact sound pressure level ∆Lw

  • 16 – 33 dB*

Normalised flanking impact sound pressure Ln,f,w

  • 69 – 30 dB*

*values depending on additional measures


Reaction to fire performance of the carrier panel according to EN 13501-1

  • hardly inflammable

Fire resistance performance of the system according to DIN 4102-2

  • F30

Fire resistance performance of the system according to DIN 13501-2

  • REI30


Circular Economy

By implementing the Circular Economy ideology we avoid waste, toxic substances and environmental pollution. The aim is to achieve a technical cycle, which ensures the separation and the complete re-use of all materials.

Product self-declaration

The self-declaration provides extensive information about all environmental effects of the product. It can be used in the planning or tender phase to assess all sustainability-relevant aspects. It serves as a data basis for building certification systems such as LEED, DGNB, BNB and BREEAM

EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)

The product has a specific EPD according to the valid standards. (EN 15804/ ISO 14025)
Declaration number: EPD-LIN-20160235-IAA1-EN


Seismic safety

International Building Code (IBC)
Possible in A – F

Load and deflection class

according to EN 12825
1A (2 kN) – 5B (5 kN)

Safety factor


Raised Floor for
Heavy-Duty Areas



high-density chipboard panel, classified in emission class E1, coated with steel sheet or humidity protection at bottom side, surrounding edge trim protection against damage and humidity

Panel thickness

38.5 mm

Dimensional deviation according to EN 12825

class 1

System weight

38 – 42 kg/m²

Standard pedestal heights

133 – 2,000 mm

Pedestal grid

600 x 600 mm

Resistance to earth

≥ 1 x 106 Ω


Reaction to fire performance of the carrier panel according to EN 13501-1

  • hardly inflammable

Fire resistance performance of the system according to DIN 4102-2

  • F30


Circular Economy

By implementing the Circular Economy ideology we avoid waste, toxic substances and environmental pollution. The aim is to achieve a technical cycle, which ensures the separation and the complete re-use of all materials.

Product self-declaration

The self-declaration provides extensive information about all environmental effects of the product. It can be used in the planning or tender phase to assess all sustainability-relevant aspects. It serves as a data basis for building certification systems such as LEED, DGNB, BNB and BREEAM.

EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)

A specific EPD for the product can be generated according to the valid standards. (EN 15804/ ISO 14025)


Seismic safety

International Building Code (IBC)
Possible in A – F

Load and deflection class

according to EN 12825
6A (6-7 kN)

Safety factor